Internal Reference Number: FOI_6495
Date Request Received: 01/03/2022 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 23/03/2022 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: Printers Query
Request Category: Political Parties
Question Number 1: Can you please complete the fields below with what you currently hold? Standard Printers Number of printers: Main supplier: Contract end date: Annual spend £'s 2020-21: MFD Printers Number of printers: Main supplier: Contract end date: Annual spend £'s 2020-21: Definitions MFD Printers - A Multi-Function Device (MFD) is a machine that can print, copy and scan. These devices have faster print speeds and allow additional functionality such as scan to email. Secure print and follow-me printing are two of the key features of the new devices. | |
Answer To Question 1: Standard Printers Number of printers: Main supplier: Contract end date: Annual spend £'s 2020-21: Standard Printers: 6 ( 5 x POET printers and 1 x Estates Plotter) MFD Printers: 360 Main Supplier: Apogee Contract end Date: 21/08/2025 Annual Spend in 20/21: £197,092 excl VAT (Sept 2020 – Aug 2021) | |
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