Internal Reference Number: FOI_7471
Date Request Received: 06/10/2023 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 01/11/2023 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: Facilities Management
Request Category: Private Individuals
Question Number 1: Office and building cleaning – Service contract that is focused around office, commercial and building cleaning services. 1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: 2. Supplier/Provider of the services 3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above. 4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract. 5. The number of sites the contract covers 6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation 7. The start date of the contract 8. The end date of the contract 9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period. 10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address. | |
Answer To Question 1: Cleaning is provided by an in-house team, using directly employed staff - with no contract in place. Description of services - all clinical and non clinical cleaning undertaken inside buildings (external cleaning is undertaken by our in-house grounds team), including daily, routine, ad hoc, post infection and terminal cleaning. A proportion of ward level cleaning duties are undertaken by ward based clinical teams. We have one hospital site The Head of Facilities is responsible for the delivery of the cleaning service. | |
Question Number 2: Lift service and maintenance – Service contract for lift service and maintenance. 1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: 2. Supplier/Provider of the services 3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above. 4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract. 5. The number of sites the contract covers 6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation 7. The start date of the contract 8. The end date of the contract 9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period. 10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address. | |
Answer To Question 2: 1. Jackson 2. Exemption 43 applies - Requirement being tendered 3. April 2022 - March 2023 4. maintenance service and breakdown repairs 5. One 6. Otis , Thyssen, EVANS, Blacken Ltd , Beckers , Lester Almega , Carlton , Stanna 7. Currently a rolling monthly contract while the service is tendered 8. Currently a rolling monthly contract while the service is tendered 9. Currently a rolling monthly contract while the service is tendered 10. John O'Keeffe, Head of Estates , 01722 336262, | |
Question Number 3: Food – Service contract that is focused around catering services. 1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: 2. Supplier/Provider of the services 3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above. 4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract. 5. The number of sites the contract covers 6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation 7. The start date of the contract 8. The end date of the contract 9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period. 10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address. | |
Answer To Question 3: Catering services are not contracted but delivered by an in-house team of directly employed staff. The catering team provide all food and beverages for in-patients and a retail catering offer (meals and snacks) for staff and the public, from Springs Restaurant and Hedgerows Coffee shop. The catering service manage a contract for the provision of snacks and beverages offered for sale in on site vending machines. We have one hospital site The Head of Facilities is responsible for this service | |
Question Number 4: General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract. 1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: 2. Supplier/Provider of the services 3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above. 4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract. 5. The number of sites the contract covers 6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation 7. The start date of the contract 8. The end date of the contract 9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period. 10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address. | |
Answer To Question 4: Supplier - Biffa Waste Services (Current Supplier) Total Annual Spend - Exemption 43 Commercial Interests - Tender about to be launched Description - Provision of Domestic Waste & Non Clinical Waste Destruction & Disposal Site - One Site Contract dates - 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2024 Duration - 3 Years The Head of Facilities is responsible for this service | |
Question Number 5: Laundry services - where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed. 1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: 2. Supplier/Provider of the services 3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above. 4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract. 5. The number of sites the contract covers 6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation 7. The start date of the contract 8. The end date of the contract 9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period. 10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address. | |
Answer To Question 5: Supplier - Salisbury Trading Ltd - Current Supplier Annual Spend - Exemption 43 - Commercial - Tender in Progress The laundry service provision includes - a linen hire for bed linen, towels and scrubs, and a wash and return service for curtains and patient clothing.. We have one hospital site Contract Dates - 01/04/2019 - 03/12/2023 The Head of Facilities is responsible for this service | |
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Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of СÓŶÌÊÓƵ Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.