Internal Reference Number: FOI_7762
Date Request Received: 15/02/2024 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 16/02/2024 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: Unsafe buildings
Request Category: Private Individuals
Question Number 1: The number of incidents where a building or an area of a building was made unsafe, the average length of time the area of the building or building was unsafe, and the longest length of time the area of the building or building was unsafe, due to faults with the lighting at your СÓŶÌÊÓƵ Trust in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023 | |
Answer To Question 1: The Trust are not aware of any incidents | |
Question Number 2: The number of incidents where a building or an area of a building was made unsafe, the average length of time the area of the building or building was unsafe, and the longest length of time the area of the building or building was unsafe, due to structural issues with the building at your СÓŶÌÊÓƵ Trust in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023 | |
Answer To Question 2: The Trust are not aware of any incidents | |
Question Number 3: The number of incidents, the average length of time, and the longest length of time a lift at your СÓŶÌÊÓƵ Trust was not usable, and the number of times a lift being unusable restricted step-free access in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023 | |
Answer To Question 3: The Trust do not hold data on each separate occasion a lift was not usable. The majority of the trust is covered by numerous lifts so one being out of action would not restrict step free access. The only exception is one lift that covers our Education Centre that was out for a number of weeks due to the failure of two major components. | |
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Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of СÓŶÌÊÓƵ Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.