What service do we offer?
- A specialist spinal interdisciplinary team – discharge co-ordinator, nursing, medical, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, psychology, clerical dietics, medical/surgical specialities. Our specialist spinal team work together to offer patients a goal orientated programme of care and education.
- We have limited access to psychiatric services.
- We offer an acute out reach service.
- Comprehensive specialist advice available for acute out reach (including paediatrics).
- Study days for the management of spinal cord injury.
- Education and support to families and carers as appropriate.
Services for patients with the following diseases will not be provided:
- Progressive diseases of the central nervous system (including malignant disease of the spinal cord).
- Cerebrovascular accidents.
- Injuries to the brain, not including the spinal cord.
- Cases of Spinal Bifida.
- Infective spinal cord disease.
- Patients with major psychiatric disorders, which may interfere with physical treatment or those under Mental Health Section.
- The elderly, who may have limited physical ability, poor stamina and poor family/social support may only be offered an initial assessment period.
- Patients under a Primary Care Trust contractual exclusion.
- Private patient.
- Patients with a neurologically intact spinal cord.
With an overall agreed policy, there may be cases where the СÓŶÌÊÓƵ at the Spinal Injuries Centre and referring Doctor believe treatment would be appropriate.